Registration for Conference
The pre-registration for conference will close on October 5, 2019.
Online registration closed
After finishing the online form or send us the registration form, please complete your payment.
Registration Fee
Early Bird |
Regular Rate |
On-Site Registration |
International students |
US$ 150 |
US$ 200 |
US$ 350 |
Regular participants |
US$ 300 |
US$ 350 |
US$ 450 |
Accompanying spouse |
US$ 50 |
US$ 80 |
US$ 150 |
Invited participants and accompanying spouses |
Waived |
Waived |
Waived |
臺灣一般與會者(新台幣) |
二百五十元 |
五百元 |
五百元 |
臺灣學生 (新台幣) |
二百五十元 |
五百元 |
五百元 |
Note 1: Registration fee includes proceedings, coffee and tea. Accommodation and post-conference trip fees are not included.
Note 2: The exact fee charged could be a little higher resulted by cash flow.
Note 3: The receipts of all the payments will be available at the registration counter (on site).
Note 4: The registration fee includes reception, banquet, lunch and coffee during the conference days, but only for foreign participants.
Online Registration Form
Please fill in the online registration form and then complete the payment of registration fee as described below.
The list of registration and payment status will be update in 1 week.
Please make the necessary payment
A. by bank transfer (Keep the receipt)
DEPOSITOR:The Chinese Society of Soil and Fertilizer Sciences
A/C No. 154970013770
Bank address: No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei city , Taiwan , R.O.C.
Please send your receipt copy via fax or email, and
e-mail the following information to us
Attendee's full name, transfer date, amount of transfer, bank and account number (from).
FAX: +886-8-7740373; E-mail:
** 本地與會者 (local participants) 請匯款至:
華南銀行台大分行(銀行代號008) 戶名:中華土壤肥料學會 帳號:154100002294
或郵政劃撥: 中華土壤肥料學會 帳號:11926763
B. by credit card: please download and fill in the authorization form and send us the copy via
FAX: +886-8-7740373;
[Autorization form] [刷卡授權書]
Conference registration form and bank transfer receipt/credit card authority are needed to confirm each registration. Please fax both copies after the payment has been made.
Furthermore, please make the accommodation reservation and registration for the post-conference trip if needed.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
All cancellations must be notified in writing to the organisers. Please fax the cancellation information to the number as well as that in the application form. Cancellation information should include full name, phone number, e-mail address, cancellation statement and which way the payment was made. Cancellations received before October 5 will be refunded in full, less a handling fee of 25%. Cancellations received between October 6- 25 will be subject to a 50% refund. Cancellations received on or after October 26 will be non-refundable. Substitutions are not accepted in any condition.
1. Applications for registration must be in form writing. Telephone registrations are not accepted.
2. All prices quoted on this form are in USD. Payment must be made in USD.
3. Any credit card fees and surcharges are the responsibility of the registrant.
4. Registration will not be confirmed until the payment has been received completely.
There is no refund for non attendance except as outlined in the cancellation policy.
The Organization Secretariat have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the details on this form at the time of printing, but reserve the right to alter or delete items from the program or the services as circumstances require.
Organization Secretariat are not liable for any claims, damages or expenses arising out of cancellations, disruptions, changes or limitations to the programme or services as a result of any circumstances outside of their control including weather occurrences, terrorist events, travel restrictions or biological/health hazards or events.
Registrants are advised to arrange their own travel insurance to cover medical expenses, cancellations and all other risks.
The Congress Organizers, their officers and employees are not liable for, and the delegate releases them from any, claims, damages or expenses whether in respect to personal injury, death, loss or damage to the delegate or partner(s).
Instructions and other provisions in the online registration form, including the cancellation policy, are part of these registration conditions.