Tentative Oral Presentation Guidelines
For keynote speakers, each paper is allocated 60 minutes, with 50 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions and answers.
There are three parallel oral sessions during each period. Each paper is allocated 40 minutes for invited speakers and 20 minutes for volunteer speakers respectively. Last 5 minutes for questions and answers should be included.
Speakers should go to the session room at least 15 minutes before their session start, introduce themselves to the session chairs (handing a biographical note is recommended) and check their presentation material with the computer and audio-visual equipment.
The computer in each session room can display MS Powerpoint and Adobe PDF files. Speakers can bring their presentation material on USB drives and copy necessary files to the computer at the registration counter during registration period or in the session room at least 15 minutes before the “session” (not single speaking) start. If you use other digital storage devices not supported by the computer in the session room, please ask a conference helper to transfer the files.
Tentative Poster Presentation Guidelines
Poster Panel Size
Please refer to this visualization of the poster panels to be used during the conference. The display area for posters is 85 cm (width) × 115 cm (height). Please ensure that your poster does not exceed this size. A sub-area (17 cm wide × 7 cm high) on upper-left corner should be reserved for serial number label manufactured and provided by the conference organizers.

Poster Allocation
Posters are displayed in the room "Plato", GIS Convention Center. Posters will be displayed on November 3-5. Each poster has been assigned a poster board number. Please see the session of poster paper of this program for your poster board number. These numbers are also posted in the upper left-hand corner of each board.
Poster Set-Up and Take Down
Posters must be set up by AM 10:30 on November 4, 2019 (morning tea time) and can be remained on display until PM 4:00 on November 5, 2019. Dedicated poster viewing times have been scheduled during PM 1:00-2:00 on November 3-5, 2019. Authors will be expected to stand by the posters during these poster session time to answer questions. All posters should be removed by PM 4:00 on November 5, 2019. Any poster remaining in place after PM 4:00 on November 5, 2019 will be removed by the organizers who accept no responsibility for loss or damage.
Thumbtacks will be available in the poster area. Poster panels are also suitable for Velcro fixing, but please ensure that you bring a sufficient amount of materials with you. Adhesive tape or twin adhesive is not allowed.
Poster Content
The poster should include title, author name(s), and affiliation(s). It is highly recommended to use illustrations, charts, tables, and other visually appearing objects to convey your research work. Make sure all materials are clearly readable from a distance. You may bring other relevant materials, e.g., full paper, addendum, etc. to the poster sessions.