How to Attend
Steps for participants
Note1: Payments for the conference registration, accommodation reservation and tour application should be made individually.
Note2: To protect privacy and prevent any credit-related problems, payments could not be made online. Thanks to be kind about any inconvenience.
a. Oral or poster presentation
For participants with papers:
Submit your 1-page abstract with the filled up submission form to Secretary General via E-mail,
Prof. Dr. Shih-Hao Jien (
[download abstract guidlines/template/submission form]
Submission Deadline: June 30, 2019.
For general participants, proceed to the next step directly.
b. Registration for the conference [information]
1. Fill in the [online regisration form], or download and fill in the [registration form] and send it to or via fax: +886-8-7740373 before October 5, 2019.
2. Make the necessary payment
- by bank transfer (Keep the receipt); or
- by credit card: fill in the authorization form in your registration form; and
3. Send the copy of your payment receipt to or via fax: +886-8-7740373 before October 5, 2019.
(Receipt is needed only when the payment is made by bank transfer)
c. Accommodation reservation on the official website of your selected hotel [information]
Note: Please follow the steps of hotels's on-line booking system.
d. Application for the tour [information]
[Post-conference Educational Trip in Central Taiwan]
1. Fill in the registration form or
2. Send your Tour Application Form to or via fax: +886-8-7740373 before Oct. 5, 2019.
[Note]The price depends on number of participants.We will send the charge information to you if the number of participant is over than 10.
e. Check carefully to see if your registration has been recongnized in the confirming letter (E-mail), and contact us if any problem occurs.